Welcome back! Today we're covering the second part in the Playroom Tour. Thanks to those of you who have left such nice comments about her rooms so far. I really appreciate it :)
This photo was taken from the back corner, standing in front of the play kitchen. |
This is a backpack that (I think) someone made for me
when I was really little. I don't know if my Mom made it
or it was a gift from someone but it's really cute even
though it's gotten a little dirty over the years. (I'm not
sure why the door looks pink here. It's actually white.) |
Next to the closet door is a little
section of wall that was perfect for
her Ikea Husnes mirror. Above that
is an awesome cartoon of a comic book
cover my brother drew years ago based
on my Cabbage Kids. |
Here is a close-up shot of it. Sorry for the reflection in the glass. |
Moving around the corner is her 1970's Fisher Price Little People dollhouse.
She really likes it as does her Buddy Pal who loves to ding the doorbell.
The rocking chair used to be in her room and it matches surprising well with
this very inexpensive Ikea Lack side table. I did away with the ball pit tent
because it took up such a large amount of space in the room. I didn't want to
put away all of her balls though because she still likes to throw them around.
My solution was to take a basket and put in just a *few* balls and tuck it
under the table. |
Hanging above the dollhouse are two pictures I made from extra baby gift bags
I had left from K's baby shower (yeah, I've kept them AND moved them multiple
times. Sad, I know.) The one on the left was inspired by the blog, Nested. The
main difference with mine is that I'm using glass on mine because I don't intend
to use the little barrettes again. I just think they're cute because they're so small.
The butterflies on the right is from an idea I saw on Ohdeedoh. My frame isn't
as deep as theirs so my wings don't stand off as much as I'd like them to but I'm
still happy with it. This was a great way to get rid of some baby bags! When K
is a bit older I think I might change it to something like this one on Prudent Baby.
And maybe I'll make one for me too because it's pretty cool. I also really like
the idea of using clovers like this one from Flamingo Toes. I really love clover. |
This is between the table with dollhouse
and the shelves full of toys. The art on top
was a birthday gift from my amazing husband
and the letter decals are from RoomMates. |
Here's a closer look at the Minimalist Muppets by Eric Slager piece. I'm such
a huge Muppets/Jim Henson fan so this is totally right up my ally. How many can
you name? I got all of them except for the chicken (I always think her name is
something else) and I can never remember the name of one of the guys from the
band. There is one that I think is a fairly poor representation but take a look first
and then scroll down to see the names. |
Row 1
Kermit the Frog, Fozzie Bear, Swedish Chef, Scooter, Waldorf, Statler, Rizzo
Row 2
Dr. Teeth, Zoot (I always forget his name), Sgt. Floyd Pepper, Janice, Animal (not the best representation of animal, in my opinion. I think he could have used some teeth like Sweetums), Bunsen Honeydew, Beaker
Row 3
Sweetums, Sam the Eagle, Gonzo, Camilla (I always think her name is Henrietta), Miss Piggy, Rowlf
So there you have the second part of her playroom. I'll try and get the third (and last part up soon). I know it's a lot of pictures but hopefully you're enjoying them.