Wednesday, June 4, 2014

The Last Day of School

Today was [K]'s last day of kindergarten. It seems like only yesterday I was putting her on the bus for the first time, standing on the sidewalk crying as I watched her drive away from me.

I'm so proud of her and the many accomplishments she has achieved. Her penmanship is getting better, she continues to excel in reading and comprehension, and her writing has really blossomed. I worried about her seeing as she was the second youngest in her class but when I spoke to her teacher today she assured me that [K] is more than ready to move on to first grade.

So, just because I always love a good Before and After shot, here is my take with a First Day and Last Day picture comparison.

We love you [K]. Continue to grow in your emotions, blossom in your creativity, and amaze us with your intelligence. We could not be more proud.

(And in case you are keeping track, yesterday should have been a Muffin Tin Tuesday but it was a super crazy day and we ended up having to run through the drive-through of a local burger joint. Sorry!)

Take care and HAPPY SUMMER!
~ [J]


  1. Aww she's so big. Love love love her yellow outfit too!

  2. Love those pictures. She's just so cute in both dresses!

  3. Good golly, I love this little girl. Give her a hug for me, and let her know her auntie is very proud of her.
