Friday, July 1, 2011

Fun in the sun

Two days ago I had the idea to set up a pool outside with K's slide so she could have some fun in the sun. There were only two things stopping me: one, we didn't have a pool, and two, there are no outdoor water spouts for a hose. However, having had a portable dishwasher, I knew there were sink attachments that I could screw a hose to so I just had find one. Two trips to Lowes later and we were set. A quick trip to Target and we had a pool. Woot! And since we were filling it from the sink, the water was a perfect bath temperature.


  1. Awesome! I love the photo of her just getting down the slide into the water and her squinting her eyes. Priceless. :) LOVE IT!

  2. I love the one of A... he cracks me up! The Bear is adorable as always!
