Sunday, September 19, 2010

And so it begins...

5 boxes packed, 8000 to go...


  1. That's a LOT 'o boxes to have to pack. It must be killing you to not have more time to play with your new sewing machine.

  2. Awww, I feel your pain. :) We're trying to go through the place now and start tossing things we don't need. After 10 years and 7 moves some of this stuff has GOT to go. Hope the packing goes well!!

  3. It *IS* killing me, Mom!
    Yeah Kel, same here. I guess it isn't quite as much as you but Adam and I have moved every year since we've been together. I just can't wait to be somewhere that we'll be staying for longer than a year (hopefully!)

  4. Yeah, we have moved a lot and I am also ready to stay put for awhile. Every time we get comfy we pick up and move again. Hopefully we both will be able to stay in one place soon. :)
