Hey Everyone! I hope you are having a wonderful New Year so far. We're still dealing with A's back issues and between the two of us, we have some kind of doctor's appointment pretty much everyday except on Fri's. It's a bit annoying but at least no one can accuse us of not being monitored, checked, decompressed, and examined to the best of our abilities. However, even with all of that going on, we were still able to have a really great Christmas Eve at church and Christmas morning at our house. Here are a few pictures from our two days:
Daddy and K posing in their matching Christmas colors. |
One of my all time favorite pictures of K. |
Christmas morning. It was near impossible to get a picture of her before she started ripping into the presents. |
Opening her green Fijit Friend, Sage. This is the gift she asked for from Santa so she was very happy to get it. |
A very fun book she had wanted that she received from her Great Aunt and Uncle back in IL. |
In other news... this past Wed. my doctor advised me that she'd like to induce me at 39 weeks (Jan. 20th). I asked her if it's because I'm measuring big or something but she said no, that it's because the baby will be full term and everything has gone smoothly so far and she just wants to ensure we have a healthy, safe delivery. And for that, I'm very grateful. However, that being said, when she did the exam to see how far along I am, she didn't seem to think I'd even make it to 39 weeks. When I got home from that appointment I decided I had better back the hospital bag now, just in case, and I installed the car seat. I still want to set up the Pack 'N Play (thanks Bro and Sis!) in our room and get the futon set up in case someone needs to stay over here with K while we're in the hospital but we have friends coming over Mon. so I'll wait to do that until Tuesday. I took down all of the Christmas decorations and today A and I will take out the tree. I know he's bummed about getting rid of it earlier than he'd like (he always jokes he would keep a tree up until March if he could) but we agreed that it will be nice to have the extra room back again before the baby comes. I have my next doctor's appointment on Mon so we'll see if I've made any additional progress since Wed. Hopefully I'll have the chance to make at least one more post from when my Mom and Dad were here to celebrate Christmas. In the meantime, here are a few ultrasound pictures. We've had another one done since these pictures but I haven't had the chance to ask A to scan them for me yet.

Wow, K's hair looks sooooo cute in thise piggies! Give her a hug from Auntie Mamy and Uncle Sid.
ReplyDeleteLove you guys big-time! Mwah