The weekend after Christmas my parents came down to visit. It was a really great weekend and K was SO excited to see them! She definitely played her share of games on Nana's iPad and gave lots of snuggles to Papa. Plus, they brought a whole car-load of presents with them and K opened every single last one of them (whether they were for her or not. Lol!) We loved having them here and were very sad to see them go. Here are two cute pictures from that weekend:
Listening to the recorded Christmas book from Great Grammie and Grampie. |
Hugs and snuggles for Papa. |
And for a bonus, my Dad has been scanning his old slides of our family and happened to send over a few of me when I was K's age because he figured we would all get a kick out of them. I haven't had the chance to show K yet because she's asleep but I think she will find it wild to see Mommy at her age. Plus it's kind of fun to see some similarities between us. I still think she is a good mix of A and I but there are definitely some of my genes in that little girl. So here are three of me from 1979 (I'm giving away my age - yikes! Lol ;) )
I have a picture of K sitting on our stairs surrounded by all of her Build-A-Bears. I wonder where she gets that from? ;) |
My brother was in this picture too looking super cute but I wasn't sure if he'd want that out there for everyone to see. |
This picture was a beast to clean up. Those black dots were EVERYWHERE on my face and arms. Yay Photoshop! |
Anyway, news on the baby front is still just "hurry up and wait" at this point. Most of you have heard that poor A is going to need back surgery. It was a rough day today hearing that news. As I was telling him, I felt so let down when I heard. I had been doing all I could to stay positive this whole time and trying not to worry and hoping that just Physical Therapy would take care of it so when I heard that the recommendation was surgery it was like all of the wind left my sails. Thankfully we had made dinner plans with some great friends of ours tonight and having them and their kids here really helped to take our minds off of it for a bit and just relax and enjoy some company. At this point all we can do is take it one day at a time so hopefully we can both remind each other of that because I know I'm going to need it and I'm guessing A will too. Thank God we have each other and such a great support system of family and friends. We are so truly blessed!
OMG, that book that Gma & Gpa recorded had me balling like a baby. Here's a secret: If you ask for one, they'll make one for you too :)
ReplyDeleteAs soon as we got done listening to it and I could actually speak without sobbing I told Gma that I wanted one and she said whoever asks for one will get it.
K definitely is a good mix of you two, but looking at those pics, you can definitely tell she's your kid.
I know it's rough hearing that A has to have surgy, but think of it as a good thing that Adam is getting this done now and not waiting till more damage is done like someone I know *cough*my dad*cough* ;) He'll be so happy that he got it done, and be back to himself in no time.
Love you & Miss you!! Hope to see you soon :)
Sorry about all the black dots on the slides. What happened is that the slides were stored in vinyl sleeves and the oil that makes the vinyl flexible leached out and transfered onto many of my the slides. I tried wiping the oily drops off but it actually has damaged the surface of the slides so, as you say, we must be thankful for PhotoShop! Dad
ReplyDeleteI'd definitely rather have the pictures than not, Dad, so I'll put up with fixing some dots. Thankfully there are so many tricks in PS that make it go relatively quickly so it was worth my time for sure. Especially since in that picture I think I see the resemblance to K the most. Love you and thanks again for sending those pictures our way.
ReplyDeleteLet me know what Kaitie says.