For the invitation this year I used a stock design from Shutterfly. I had a voucher for 10 free cards from collecting Huggies points on wipes. I love how vibrant the colors are on it.
While [K] was sleeping I hung this wall-sized My Little Pony mural in her room. It is so huge that I had to hang the top banner part on a separate wall. I put that part on the wall above her bed and the rest on the opposite wall so she would see it first thing when she woke up.

I kept the table decorations simple with bouquets of rainbow hued flowers.
My family always hangs a "Happy Birthday" banner and this year I chose this My Little Pony Jumbo Banner. They weren't kidding when they said jumbo - it's 10 ft long!
The pièce de résistance though was the balloon arch. We blew up approximately 100 balloons for this thing but it was 100% worth it! It was so cool looking.
I printed a multi-page image of Rainbow Dash for the girls to play "Pin the Cutie Mark on the Pony."
I made the treat bags from blue handled bags bought at the dollar store with a large print out of Rainbow Dash's face glued to the front.
Inside was a sheet of rainbow tattoos and stickers, glow bracelets and a colored clip-in hair extension. I was lucky to find a bunch of My Little Pony items in the dollar section at Target including an activity book, pencils, mini gel pens and the Rainbow Dash puzzle. I printed the book marks from an image I found on a Google image search. They're super cool.
The food consisted of fairly normal party fare except for this beautiful rainbow fruit salad [A] made that was as delicious to look at as it was to eat.
The birthday cake was something I've been dying to try for quite some time. Thankfully it turned out amazing and [K] loved it!
At the end of the evening we were even graced with a night sky rainbow, courtesy of Rainbow Dash herself, of course (according to the birthday girl.)
Like I said, it was a truly magical day for a truly magical girl. We love you [K]!
The birthday gathering was super! So much fun.