Hi! Things are rockin' right along here at JAKES Place. We had a great Halloween and hope you and your family did as well.
A & K carved the pumpkin that K picked out from her preschool field trip to the pumpkin patch. She colored all over it and then she and Daddy drew a face on it together. A helped her by making pilot holes and with a little bit of guidance, K carved the pumpkin mostly all on her own. Previous to that, she decorated another pumpkin with a Hello Kitty kit where she painted it black and then used foam sticker pieces for the face. I think she enjoyed both pumpkins and was proud of her creations.
E really liked her pumpkins too.
K was also in a Halloween parade at her preschool and it was adorable watching her waving to everyone and smiling at every parent who was taking pictures or videos.
I loved seeing all of the kids dressed up together. Poor Mr. Incredible wasn't too happy though.
Like last year, I hit a few stores for
After Halloween Deals. I didn't get nearly as much but I did score a few cute things at 50-75% off.
The dragon costume is for E and K decided next year she wants
to be a princess. Not surprisingly, she chose a blue dress. |
The cat pajamas and the Happy Halloween shirt are for E for
next year, and the monster vinyl wall decals and monster eggs
are for her third birthday party. Trust me, when I see a deal that
fits into one of my birthday themes, I snatch it up no matter how
far away that birthday is! |
Lastly, E is standing constantly. My mom thinks she'll be walking by next month. I'm not so sure but if she keeps this up, she might be right!
Well that's all for now. From our home to yours, we hope you are all doing well and enjoying this hectic but awesome time of year.