Wednesday, December 15, 2010

It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas

This lovely guy was one of 5 cardinals right out our back door.

Here are two more. They are just such a
beautiful contrast to the bare branches and snow.

Our pretty outdoor permanent Christmas tree.

Our indoor Christmas tree looking out onto
our backyard. Yeah, we don't have many
ornaments on the tree.

A Christmas tree made out of an old magazine.
I saw this idea at:Just Like Martha

I decided to use it to store our Christmas cards.

Christmas lighthouse.
I don't know why there's a pig and goat with the set.

The Pooh train

Ornament display

The reindeer, mini tree and adorable handmade reindeer from Sis

The stockings are hung by the chimney with care.

And the kloche's are delicious!

K really likes her new Christmas present =D

While she doesn't look happy, she's actually giving a "big smile"

She was so excited to see Santa. She ran right up to him, told
him she wanted Buzz Lightyear and gave him a kiss.
We were very proud of her!


  1. Kaitie is so cute with Santa! :)

    Looks like you guys have a very decorative place, love it! Your Christmas tree looks so fat and full. I really miss having a real tree...maybe in the next few years we'll do that again.

    Love the magazine tree idea to show your Christmas cards - very creative!

  2. Thanks Lady! It's a big difference from last year when she was crying big time sitting with Santa.

    Yeah I love getting a real tree. I've only been doing it since we got married but it's SO much fun and such an awesome Christmas tradition that I can't see ever going back to a fake one.

    The magazine tree was super simple to make, just takes awhile folding all those pages. I actually made two but the second one didn't fan out right so I pitched it.

  3. I can't believe how fantabulous my gorgeous little niece is! I'm so proud of her. Can't wait to see you guys in a couple of days!!!
