Sorry for the delay in my second post. K and I went to visit Nana and Papa and pick out my Christmas present. I'm SOOO excited. Since most of you are on FB you've already seen my kick butt new sewing machine but in case you haven't (or just want to look at it again, like I do) here it is:
My Viking Husqvarna sewing machine. Yay!!! |
I can't WAIT to start sewing curtains and clothes and other awesome goodies! Thanks Mom and Grammie and Adam for this totally amazing gift. Woot!
Also, while I was visiting Unka Chunks house, he let me pick out a BEAUTIFUL, completely hand-stitched quilt made by my great aunt. The picture doesn't do it any justice at all because it's so pretty and every single stitch and detail on it was done BY HAND! I love it and can't wait until it gets just a bit cooler so I can snuggle up under it on the couch while drinking hot cider. Man I love the fall!!!
It's SO pretty and cozy looking! |
Ok, bragging aside, back to the last bits of the cute decor I have for K's room. The cool thing is that whilst visiting M&D, we hit up a Babies R' Us and they had some of the wall decals I've been eying on the interwebs but was hesitating a bit over since I couldn't see them in person. So, since they are even cuter in person than on the web, I picked those up too. Here is what I have:
Little Boutique Tree decal | | | |
Carters Tree Tops decals |
I'm thinking that these might go in the Play Room because I don't want K's room to get too busy and I have decals already that match the Target Circo owls I already have (
see post one for those). Plus, I'm going to make the smaller of the two rooms her bedroom with just her bed, rocking chair, and books in there and then put all of the toys, ball pit, piano, trampoline, her soon to be constructed kitchen (ooh, I'll have to blog about that because it's totally cool), etc. in the play room and I don't want it to be *too* jammed.
As previously mentioned, another bit of decor I already own for her bedroom are these Circo Love and Nature wall decals. I don't like all of the decals, especially the tree that comes with the set. It's way too scrawny and besides, the new Babies R' Us tree I just picked up is so much prettier.
See what I mean about the tree? |
This is all of the labels that come in the set. | | |
The owls and birds are cute though so I found this idea that another person has on their
blog to use them on painted canvas and make them more like art instead of just stuck to the wall. It's pretty cool. She painted the canvases the same color as the wall but I think that I will paint mine a sky blue to give them some contrast from the wall color (whatever that ends up being).
Cute, huh? |
I've also purchased the Skip Hop Owl backpack and lunch box. Ok, so obviously I know she doesn't actually *need* these yet but they are SO cute and what if, by the time she IS ready to use them, they don't make them anymore? I mean really, I couldn't let that happen. Come on ladies, you know how it is!
I know, right? How could I have resisted? |
So this leads me to the quandary of how to display such adorable bags... An owl peg board, of course!
Like this |
Or this |
Or even this one (the owl looks very concerned about the birds trying to kiss him. It cracks me up.) |
These guys are so cute. I want a whole flock of them! |
These are made by
Maple Shade Kids on Etsy. Too cute! So, we'll have to see about those.
That's it (for now). I know I'm a bit of an owl craze and let me tell you, with fall quickly approaching, the retailers are not being nice by putting out tons of owl stuff (clothes, toys, bath mats, towels). I'm having to restrain myself left and right so I don't end up buying it all and then not being able to pay rent. Hehe, just kidding, Honey =D I love you!
I like the two owl sets with blue...especially if you say you are painting the room blue...or was that just the paper blue???